Introduction To A Course In Miracles – With Advanced Understanding.

This week the Mindshifters group watched the first part of the lecture by Dr. Michael Ryce titled, An Introduction To A Course In Miracles – With Advanced Understanding. Dr. Ryce uses the analogy of a person who lives in a two dimensional world, trying to experience and understand a three dimensional basketball. He tries to help the audience imagine the difficulty of getting someone from a two dimensional world to understand something they have never experienced before and something that goes against every experience they have ever had, as well as all of the known history of their family and their culture. He makes the point that if one has limited perception, it will dramatically limit their ability to comprehend something or someone.

In a world where there is only length and width it is not possible to describe height, or thickness. In a world where no one has ever experienced a three dimensional object, there are no words for describing a three dimensional object. If I am only able to see things in two dimensions that does not mean that the third dimension does not exist. Just as my limited vision does not mean that ultra violet light and infra red light do not exist. Just because I cannot hear a dog whistle does not mean that it does not make a sound. In the same way that the limitation of my sense organs filter out much of the light and sound around me and limit my ability to perceive the world, my limited ability to perceive the true nature of people does not mean that they are limited to my label or judgment of them.
One of the keys points of the lecture is that when I judge someone, or look at them and see only a body, it does not change their nature. It simply keeps me from seeing them as they truly are.
If I want to have any hope of perceiving my world accurately I have to begin by accepting the possibility that what I have already seen, or judged, may be wrong. If I am not willing to accept that there may be more to a person than what I have previously thought, I will not be open to new information and I will not be able to change my belief. The first step toward learning anything is the acceptance that there is something I do not know or understand. A mind that “knows” is not able to learn. A mind that is questioning is the only mind that is able to learn.
If I look at someone and believe that I see a body, and I believe that I know who that person is, I have, in that moment, judged them and done them and myself a serious injustice. I have chosen to believe they are only a body, and only a person, and that they are not an infinite energy system made of Love. I have, in that moment, chosen to disregard the miracle of life, and the many miracles of growth and healing that the physical part of their energy system carries out on a daily basis.
This lecture challenges us to question our perception of the entire world, but perhaps most importantly to question our perception of people, and open to the possibility that each person we see is an expression of the infinite energy we call Love, and God.
We come from Love, we are made of Love, we are Love. Everything else is false.

Getting The Stress You Need – Part 2

This week the Mindshifters group watched the second half of the lecture, Getting The Stress You Need, by Dr. Michael Ryce. One of the primary messages of this lecture is that once the human mind sets a goal, it remains set and active, even if unconscious, until the goal is reached, or it is actively, consciously cancelled. The ability to cancel a goal is one of the functions of the spiritual faculty of Will. The importance of cancelling unfulfilled goals is that each time I set a goal and do not reach it, I continue to use some of my mental emotional energy to maintain that goal. The energy needed to maintain an unfulfilled goal takes away from the energy I have to focus on and accomplish my goals for today.

The analogy used is that of the logging truck which is capable of pulling two or maybe even three loads of logs at a time. The logging company who uses this truck wisely will be very successful. If the logger only hooks up one or two loads of logs at a time, the truck will easily make the needed deliveries and have plenty of power and resources to spare. But imagine that one morning the logger receives an order for three loads of logs to be delivered next week and immediately hooks those loads up to the truck. Then later in the day he receives an order for another load to be delivered three weeks from now and immediately hooks up that load as well. Later he receives an order for two more loads to be delivered tomorrow and immediately hooks those up to the truck. Finally, he receives an order for two loads of logs to be delivered today. He hooks those up to the truck as well, and then tries to make the delivery, but the truck won’t budge! He has used all the power and resources of the truck with orders for tomorrow and further in the future, and has nothing left for what needs to be done today.

In the same way, when we set goals and they are not met, they keep running actively in our minds, even though we are not conscious of them, until they are achieved, or actively cancelled. The more unfulfilled, uncancelled goals we have running in our minds, the less resources we will have to do the things we need to do each day. There is an exercise in the lecture in which Dr. Ryce guides the audience through the process of reviewing past, unfulfilled goals and cancelling them, thereby freeing up resources in us for accomplishing the goals we consciously choose to set.

This part of the lecture was the most powerful for me this week. Despite the fact that I have listened to this lecture and done this exercise at least ten times in the past, I came face to face with an entirely new set of unfulfilled goals. This exercise was also interesting because I found myself integrating several pieces of other lectures, and the book; The Way of Mastery, while doing this exercise. The exercise consists of relaxing, getting comfortable, closing the eyes, and breathing gently while reviewing a series of people and events from your past, about whom/which you may have unfulfilled goals. When Dr. Ryce instructed us to think about any unfulfilled goals for education, my mind flashed on a series of events which surrounded the oral defense for my dissertation in graduate school. For many years now, those events have stood as some of the most traumatic and distasteful events of my entire adult life. As I flashed on those events and the people involved and told myself to cancel any unfulfilled goals related to those people and events, I found myself thinking about another exercise and the Forgiveness Process which Dr. Ryce teaches. I realized that if I was upset about something those people had done, it was only because I recognized that energy in myself. I realized that if it still upset me it was because I had not forgiven myself for having that energy in my thoughts and behavior, whether currently or in the past.
I chose to cancel any goals for those people and those situations, and I chose to cancel any judgement of myself for the times in my life when I had been dishonest or deceitful. As that happened it seemed like the vision of that situation and those people just disappeared with a puff of smoke. I felt myself smiling slightly as I watched that “horrible” series of events just fade away. I was left in awe of the process.
The group process this week was exceptionally lively as members wrestled with their conscious and unconscious goals related to food, body image, relationships, family of origin and other issues. The group showed its usual reverence and respect for each other as we each explored our individual reactions the questions raised and the beliefs explored. I remain unspeakably grateful for each of the individuals who have chosen to participate in making this group one of the most productive and rewarding group experiences of my life.
We come from Love, we are made of Love, we are Love. Everything else is false!

Getting The Stress You Need

The Mindshifters group on Tuesday watched the lecture titled: Getting The Stress You Need. While this title sounds contradictory because some would say we don’t need stress in our lives, the truth is that without stress, as defined in the lecture, we would not survive long. For the purpose of this lecture, stress is defined as the difference between the way we see things and the way we want them to be. By way of a simple demonstration, if I want my body to be comfortable but I happen to sit on a thumb tack, I will immediately experience a difference between the way I want things to be and the way I perceive them to be. This is a good thing because it will motivate me to move off of the tack.

The lecture also talks about how I select certain intentions and elevate them to the level of goals, which is what organizes my behavior. This is how I accomplish everything in my life. It is suggested that I don’t do any behavior without first having elevated an intention to the level of a goal. If my goals are determined by my intentions, then the quality of my intentions will determine the quality of my goals and therefore the nature of my behavior. This is why it is important to monitor my intentions and choose only loving intentions. If I choose only loving intentions then my goals will be loving and my actions will be loving. If I hold hostile intentions then my goals will be destructive and my behavior will be destructive. If I hold fearful intentions, my goals will be negative and my behavior will be avoiding.

The discussion in the group included the difficulty some people have in giving up their habit of holding fearful and hostile intentions and perceptions of the world. Many of us have become so familiar with feelings of anger and fear, that we feel these intentions and perceptions serve a useful purpose in our lives. The key here is that any tool can only produce a result which is like the tool. So if I use my anger to accomplish a goal, I am creating negative energy in my body’s energy system and sending out angry energy into the atmosphere and relationships around me. Whatever “good” results I believe I have accomplished with the use of anger, I am also creating stress and negativity in my interactions and relationships with others.

I am also creating distorted perceptions for myself whenever I engage in angry or fearful energy. The only way to perceive the world accurately is to hold the energy of Love in my mind. When I am holding the energy of Love, I will be able to identify the highest and the best in another and choose to cooperate only with that part of the other person. When I am feeling fear or hostility, my perceptions are distorted and I will be using inaccurate data to form my “reality”. When I am in a potentially dangerous situation and I am triggered to feeling fear, the most productive thing I can do is calm myself down so that I can see actual events more clearly and think more clearly. One of my favorite quotes for difficult situations is, “This is way too important to panic about!” This is because if I move into the energy of fear or hostility, I am distorting my perceptions and leaving myself with bad data to formulate my “reality”.

The goal of this work is to teach only Love. The process of this work is to be vigilant about anything in my thoughts and beliefs which block me from recognizing that …

We come from Love, we are made of Love, we are Love. Everything else is false!

Still Point Breathing Session

Last night the Mindshifters group held a special meeting and did a Still Point breathing session. I just want thank the participants who invested their time and energy to make this a most wonderful experience. I have been doing different trainings and experiential workshops for a number of years and I must say that last night was one of the most relaxed, loving, smooth-running, and productive sessions I have ever been privileged to attend. The hosting facility, Relax 4 Life in Barrington, IL, is a wondrous place with a beautiful view and tremendous energy. (

The participants were mostly regular attendees to our Mindshifters group, which means that they are loving individuals who are diligently working to improve their experience of life and the quality of their relationships. This resulted in a very gentle, loving and supportive atmosphere which held us all in Love as we went through the exercise. The Still Point breathing exercise itself is a very gentle breathing exercise which facilitates the process of moving, releasing, and increasing the flow of energy through the body’s system in whatever way the innate wisdom of the individual’s body sees fit.
I wish to thank Dr. Michael Ryce for his work and for introducing me to this technique and the Mindshifter process which produces such wonderful results for me each time I use it.
We come from Love, we are made of Love, we are Love. Everything else is false.

The Power Of Forgiveness

The core tool of Dr. Michael Ryce’s work is The Reality Management Worksheet, and the process he refers to as Forgiveness. The definition of Forgiveness in this work is very different from the definition I grew up with. I was raised to believe that to forgive someone meant that I knew they had done something wrong, or bad, to me or someone I loved. I was taught that this action caused me pain, sadness, anger, fear or some other discomfort, or problem. As a result, when I “forgive them” I agree to be the bigger person and “let them off the hook” for what they have done to me. I agree to no longer “punish” them by blaming them for what they caused in me.

The work Dr. Michael Ryce promotes is based on the idea that no one has ever caused me to feel any negative emotion, pain, sadness, fear, guilt, or shame. Since I am a creator of my own reality, there is nothing to forgive anyone else for doing or saying. If I create anger in my reality in response to something someone else does, there is nothing to forgive them for. In this work the term Forgiveness refers to a process by which I dismantle and cancel any false realities in my mind which have given rise to my negative emotions and discomfort.

The primary tool for this, as mentioned, is The Reality Management Worksheet, by which we are reminded the we create our own reality, and we are guided step-by-step through the process of dismantling the false reality which is creating our discomfort. I have encountered only a very few approaches to this process which maintain the same level of strict adherence to the observations that, “My thoughts create my internal reality and the emotions I feel.”. One such book is The Way of Mastery, ( ), which states with excellent clarity, and gentle appreciation, the process by which I deny and suppress the negative thoughts, energies, emotions, and judgments in my mind. Once I have done this, I inevitably project them onto my image of others around me. I come to believe that they are the cause of my pain and discomfort, and that they are bad, negative, or wrong.

The process is described by which I can not even identify jealousy, anger, judgment, insult, or any other negative in another person’s actions or thoughts, unless I have experienced that very thing. It is because I have experienced that very thing, and passed judgment upon myself for having experienced it, that I have suppressed it and denied it in myself. Once I have suppressed and denied that thought, feeling, or experience in myself it must be projected onto other people and things as a way of rationalizing my experience. So it is that everything I judge another for doing, I have done myself. Every negative thought or action that I take offense from in another is something that I have experienced in myself and judged myself negatively for having experienced it. It is because of this that I need to “forgive” others, because in reality it will be canceling and dismantling the negative judgment of myself in the process.

The goal of this work is to teach only Love. The process of this work is to become perpetually vigilant to anything I create which distracts me from the realization that I am inexorably connected to the Source which created me, Love. It is suggested that when we see that we have judged someone, instead of getting upset with oneself for having judged, we can say:

“Oh, I see that I am judging someone. That is an interesting cloud passing through the sky of my awareness. I wonder if I might be able to make another choice.”

It is suggested in The Way of Mastery that we understand that each of us is a conduit of energy, and the degree to which the conduit is clear and open determines the ability for us to radiate the light of Love. When one makes a judgment it is as though one contracts and closes down the conduit, and the flow of energy becomes less and less. As one forgives judgments it is as though one is opening the conduit and thinning the walls so that the conduit which is carrying the liquid of God’s Love is expanding and becoming transparent.

“Judgment is contraction.”
“Forgiveness is relaxation, peace, trust, and faith.”

“Should you then judge yourself if you have noticed you have been in judgment? No. That is a judgment in itself. Only Love can heal. Therefore, when you know you have judged, simply say:

“Ah, yes! That is that energy.
I recognize that cloud that has just passed through the field of my awareness.
But I can choose again.”

The goal of this work is to Teach Only Love.
The process of this work is to become aware of everything we create which distracts us from the realization that;

We come from Love, we are made of Love, we are Love! Everything else is false.

To Become a Great Teacher

Last year I heard myself tell someone that “To become a great teacher, one must learn to become a perpetually avid student.” Then recently I was reading a wonderful book and read, “The difference between a master and a student is that the master knows, one must always be a student.”

I have been ending each of my posts with the statement that came to me when I began this blog, “We come from Love, we are made of Love, we are Love. Everything else is false.”
It keeps coming to me in all of the books, and lectures, that speak to my soul, that this is the actuality we need to accept if we are to live to our full potential. To me this means staying “a perpetually avid student” about how I block myself from staying aware of this Truth. This means studying my own thought to discover any blockage to accepting my source as Love. This means that all I really have to do is watch to see how I create false realities of things that are less than Love in my mind. When I stop creating my realities from fear, there will be nothing to block my awareness that we are all connected, we are all the same, and that we are all created from Love.
The book I am currently reading which sings to my soul is The Way of Mastery, available through
We come from Love, we are made of Love, we are Love. Everything else is false.

The Circle of Life and How to Play It!

This week the mindshifter group watched the first half of the lecture titled The Circle of Life and How to Play It, by Dr. Michael Ryce. In this lecture Dr. Ryce talks about two different approaches one can take to the events in one’s life. The high road, or the low road. Whenever an event occurs in one’s life one chooses to take one path or the other. The low road may be summarized as denial, suppression and blame, while the high road may be summarized as responsibility and openness to learning.

When an event happens the choice is always there to take the high road or the low road.
The low road is the path of denial and suppression.
The high road is responsibility.
The low road is loss of information because of denial, and belief that the source of experience is external.
The high road is to accept input and gain information, and know that source of the experience is internal.
The low road takes the role of either victim or hero, and often flips between the two.
The high road gains information and sees things as neutral and lives knowing we create our own realities.
The low road strives for more and more self-esteem no matter the cost.
The high road values source-esteem and wants to maintain awareness of their connection to one’s source.
The low road is full of confusion and doubt.
The high road realizes that if I am in pain, I am in error.
The low road focuses on right vs. wrong thinking and is constantly judging self and others.
The high road focuses on right and not right (for me) thinking and thus avoids judging self and others.
The low road experiences the Truth of things as causing stress or them and tries to get rid of the source of the truth, and feels others need to change for them to be comfortable.
The high road sees Truth as desirable, and the source of valuable information, and engages in self-correction to become comfortable.
The low road tries to block stress by using drugs of all types to help deny and suppress feelings, even holding the breath.
The high road stays open to feelings of stress and breathes and engages in self-correction like “forgiveness” to remove false realities from their energy system.
The low road says “If I am in pain, “you/they” are in error.” They feel dis-empowered!
The high road says “If I am in pain, I am in error.” They feel empowered to make self-corrective change.
The low road feels “destructive-dissatisfaction”. They feel that being right is most important and they engage in tantrums and depression.
The high road feels “Constructive-dissatisfaction”. Being connected to Love and Truth/Actuality is most important.
The low road craves control and wants total freedom.
The high road exercises their liberty while functioning within the Natural Laws.
The low road feels they know it all – making learning from feedback impossible.
The high road acknowledges their error and welcomes feedback to help make self-correction.
The low road feels things are most important.
The high road feels relationships are most important beginning with awareness of connection to source.
The low road only has fleeting moments of satisfaction and lives to pursue satiation.
The high road feels satisfaction by learning to accept what is.
The low road feels anger and clings to it, and feels that discipline means punishment.
The high road feels love and realizes that is its source, and knows discipline means “properly taught”.
The low road engages in all the trappings of pettiness and worrying about everyone Else’s business.
The high road provides the strength to mind one’s own business.
The low road does not acknowledge self as creator – They are takers and become thieves living in poverty.
The high road acknowledges their role in creating their reality, and knows that giving and receiving are the same, therefore they live in abundance!
The low road always wants something for nothing and they suppress their creativity.
The high road celebrates their creativity and creates from their connection to their source – Love.
So we see that every time an event occurs, we have a choice about how we interpret and respond to that event. Whether we choose the high road or the low road will determine the quality of our lives.
We come from Love, we are made of Love, we are Love. Everything else is false.

Just Do The Worksheet

This week the Mindshifters group watched the first half of the lecture titled, “Purpose, Personal Power, and Commitment”, by Dr. Michael Ryce The thing that struck me most about the lecture this time around was the statement that we need to make a choice between playing the world’s game or choosing to build a strong spiritual self. Dr. Ryce makes the point that we have been conditioned for centuries to be good commercial consumers and obedient citizens, by people who want to collect all the material goods for themselves.

Dr. Ryce proposes a way to get clear about what your purpose is, and then use that purpose to focus your energy so that you are much more powerful and productive. He states that each of us has a purpose for being here, and specific talents that will allow us to fulfill that purpose. He also states that each of us has access to the same personal power as everyone else! This means that each of us is potentially more powerful than we can even imagine. This is why we each need to tap into our own internal intelligence, and not try to follow anyone else.

When we were finished discussing the lecture we turned our attention to the work people had done during the week and in last week’s group. After some discussion I asked if anyone wanted to do a Reality Management worksheet to demonstrate the process for some of our new members. Since no one else wanted to volunteer, I decided to do a worksheet to demonstrate. I chose what I thought was a very minor topic related to something I had done over the weekend. As I stepped through the process I identified that I had felt sadness, and worry during the events described in the worksheet. As I thought and wrote about the events, I was able to get in touch with the sadness, and the worry, and the specific thoughts that gave rise to each of them but I was not feeling particularly upset. This was, as I had expected, a fairly simple issue which had very little emotional intensity for me, and was only mildly uncomfortable.

As I worked through the worksheet, I reached the step where I created a positive goal for the person whom I identified as the trigger for the emotions I was feeling. Then comes the process of cancelling the goal I hold for the other person, so that I can see the hidden and projected parts of myself.

Much to my surprise when I did this, about this “safe”, “little” interaction I had over the weekend, I was moved to tears. I realized that the sadness and worry I felt about the situation were really easy to experience compared to the intense feeling of helplessness that came flooding through when I cancelled my goal for the other person. I shed tears and discussed feelings I had no idea were hiding behind my thoughts, emotions, and punishment thoughts – as outlined in the first few steps of the worksheet process. Feeling helpless is not fun! I had hidden this very effectively, and rationalized feeling sad and worried. Don’t worry I feel much better now.

The point of my telling this story is that, once again, I was surprised by the power and effectiveness of the worksheet process, even when I thought the issue was simple and trivial. So, no matter how small the upset, or how trivial the interaction that sparked it, JUST DO THE WORKSHEET! You will often be surprised at what you find. It is seldom what you thought it was upon first review.

We come from Love, we are made of Love, we are Love. Everything else is false.

Expansion of Step Nine in the Reality Management Worksheet

Reality ManagementWorksheet – Expansion of Step 9 of the 12 step form.

9. A. The first casualty of desire is the Truth! Perception, which was meant to be the light for my earthly life, is the servant of purpose. If I hold any purpose more important than Love, my mind distorts my reality! [My mind will show me “evidence” to “prove” how those things I want are more important than Love.]

[My perception is also distorted whenever I am feeling any form or hostility or fear. When I am aware of feeling any form of hostility or fear, I am perceiving things inaccurately, and reacting from false negative perceptions from the past, as well as creating false, distorted realities in the present moment.]

In order to collapse my false reality, (anything based in hostility or fear), and get back to the Truth, I cancel my goal for #1A to (copy exactly from #6) _______________________________________________________________



9. B. I invite ________________ (Rookha d’Koodsha – Holy Spirit – God), to incline me toward healing __, restore me to my original nature, LOVE __, assist me in keeping LOVE present __, and help me to see and own the inner, deeper, hidden and projected parts of myself __.

[These deeper, hidden parts of myself are what gave rise to my goal for #1A in step #6. I recognize that cancelling my focus on a desire for something outside of me to change, opens up a window for me to see inside myself to the part of me that feels I am not whole and complete, or believes in some way that I do not deserve to have what I am asking for with the goal in step #6. I now take the time, and ask for assistance in seeing how the negative feelings and beliefs I have hidden from myself have actually caused my pain and given rise to the need for me to do this worksheet process today. ]

An Introduction To A Course In Miracles With Advanced Understanding Part 2

Last night the Mindshifters group watched the second part of the lecture by Dr. Michael Ryce and The thing that struck me most in this presentation was the following statement, “Exempt no one from your Love, or you will be blocking Love from your own experience.” You are the one who suffers from a loss of Love when you withhold your Love from others. “You will not see the true light of your Love until you offer it to All others.”

It has taken me several years of working with this material to get to the place where this statement jumped out at me. I am beginning to understand how the many times I heard this statement, and others similar to it, my mind immediately began to throw up objections and rationalizations that gave me permission to withhold my Love and stay in the energy of anger and fear towards others. It is now almost shocking to me that I could have resisted this so strongly when all it does is open the possibility of seeing more of the Love that is already in my life. I am amazed that I wanted to resist this so strongly for so long. I have been thinking since last night about what it is that has had me running away from Love, while convincing myself that all I wanted was Love.
The only answer I have found is that I must be unaware of holding on to negative beliefs about myself, or beliefs about negative things which will happen, if I stay consciously connected to Love. This baffled me. What could possibly be bad or negative about staying consciously connected to Love? So I sat with the thought and tried to reason through this. If I come from Love, am made of Love, and I am Love, then what could possibly be bad about staying consciously aware of that truth? I did not have any luck reasoning through this, so I went about my daily activities and then it hit me.
It is related to one of the quotes from the lecture last week and last night. “All you are asked to do is let the truth in. Remove the false and all blocks to the truth.” The truth must be that I am holding on to negative beliefs which have nothing to do with Love and my actual value as a person, but which are so painful and so hidden from my conscious awareness that I am blocking myself from even seeing them. I must be so afraid of them that I won’t even let myself see them.
With this in mind I went into a session with a friend of mine, in which we trade services and do energy work on each other. I could not think of anything consciously that was bothering me so I asked her to test my energy system to see if she could find anything. When she found something and we processed it, I was led to remember one of the “worst” times in my young life. I had gone to college reluctantly and ended up at a small catholic college where there was, what I thought of as, a ridiculous amount of alcohol, drug and sexual abuse. I was a “young for my age” freshman and sophomore, and I was mentally and spiritually agonizing about “my faith”, God, the priests and other clergy, the bible, etc., etc. This time in my life is what many would call, “a dark night of the soul”, because I was so unhappy and felt so hopeless about ever resolving those dilemmas and issues. For me it went beyond simple questions like, “What is the meaning of life?”.
The real problem for me was that I craved Love, compassion and a way to spread that around, and create a community of Love and compassion. Yet, the people who were supposed to be the guardians of Love and compassion, those who were supposed to be teaching the tools for creating a community and spreading it around, were some of the most angry, prejudiced, deceitful and unhappy people I had ever known. Today as I was letting myself remember that time of my life, I cried and breathed. As I did so, I began to remember more and more about how sad and trapped I felt. I began to remember how almost every attempt I made to read, study, discuss, listen and explore those issues, was met with ridicule, deceit and disappointment. Today I let myself remember some of the conclusions I reached and then buried in my thoughts about how I must be doing something wrong. Conclusions about how I must be unworthy to have the Love and compassion in my life that I yearned for so strongly.
Now that I have let myself look at those memories and conclusions, it is easy to see how I was just a nineteen year old “boy”, who was being driven by idealism and “blockage of personal error”, to reach false conclusions about myself and the world. Now that I let myself remember the painful internal events of that time, it is easy to see how they are silly and false, because I also remember other immature or “unripe” conclusions I held at that time, which seem silly to me today. As is the case with so many of the things I have remembered from the past, which were scary to get myself to examine, they seem trivial and obvious once I bring them to the light of day and my conscious awareness.
As I write this note today I feel a little more connected to the Love that is in all things. I feel grateful to the people in the group last night who each did their own work at exploring hidden negative feelings and choosing to consciously connect to the Love that they are made of. I am grateful to people like Dr. Michael and Jeanie Ryce who have devoted their lives to spreading the knowledge of the tools which can help anyone uncover the false realities they have created which block them from feeling and living in conscious awareness of the Love they are made of.
Thank you all!
We come from Love, we are made of Love, we are Love! Everything else is false.