A new movie from Dr. Wayne Dyer

Dear Friends,

I got an email today letting me know of the release of Wayne Dyer’s new movie.  If you click on the title of this blog it will take you there.  Or you can go to www.ambitiontomeaning.com.  
They are releasing this movie the same way they released the movie, The Secret.  So if you get on this website today or tomorrow, you will be able to view the movie for free, one time through.
After that, it will  cost you five dollars to view it online.  I have watched the first hour and it is solid material.  The popularity was so strong that the server malfunctioned and they had to extend the deadline until tomorrow night at midnight.
Dr.  Tim

Check out TED.com

I want to be sure everyone knows about www.ted.com.  TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and is a think tank for just about any subject related to those three broad categories.  On this website I have watched wonderful lectures on everything from “The real difference between liberals and conservatives.”, to the life of the giant redwood trees.  I highly recommend this site for a place to find stimulating and soul affirming lectures that average about twenty minutes each.  It is free and it is fabulous!

Dr. Ryce talks a great deal about the power of our thoughts to either place dis-integrative energy into our system, or to place healing and integrative energy into our energy system.  Dr. Ryce was talking in the video we watched last Tuesday, about how we are creating the aging and death in our bodies/energy systems, by creating negative realities, and how it may actually be possible to reverse that process by using the tools he presents.  Dr. Ryce also knows the value of eating a living, “raw” diet, which provides the energy and nutrients we need to get and  stay healthy, and makes it part of the intensives he holds at his retreat center in Missouri.
In the talk by Dean Ornish on healing, he focuses on some amazing statistics and results they are getting in reversing “chronic” diseases by simply changing people’s diets.  When I watched this talk, all I could think about was how amazing and powerful these results are, while only paying attention to half of the equation.  Just think about how these results would be amplified if these patients were also doing the emotional/energy work that people like Dr. Ryce talk about. [Clicking the title link to this article will take you to the video on healing, by Dean Ornish.]

Think about what you are asking!

A friend of mine from high school days, Joe,  called Wednesday night to tell me of a new insight he had.  He has been reading about a theory that believes our “unconscious mind” or “higher self” is constantly working to answer whatever questions we ask.  So for instance if I ask, “Why am I always so sick?”  my unconscious will search for and provide evidence and reasons for why I am always so sick.  Joe went on to say that if he simply learned to ask the question in a more positive way, he would start to see positive changes in his life.  For instance he might start thinking, “I wonder how I am going to start being healthier and stronger?”  Or he might ask, “What can I do to be healthy and pain free?”, and his mind would start showing him ways to get healthier and stronger.

This seemed like a entirely new concept to him, despite the fact that he realizes he has seen or heard the same thing in many different ways in the past.  There was just something about the way this was presented which struck him as important, relevant and powerful.  He realized that he has a constant and “loud” self-talk mechanism, which is almost always active.  He also realized that his self-talk mechanism is frequently negative in nature.  So he has begun experimenting with monitoring his self-talk and looking for negatively framed questions which he can change to a positive question.
I discussed with him the fact that Dr. Ryce talks in several of his presentations about how the mind in a purely evidential device, and that it can only give us the evidence we ask it for.  So for instance if I ask for evidence of how somebody did something to make me angry, or hurt my feelings that is all I will see.  However if I ask,  “What am I doing to create the reality I am experiencing?”, that is what I will see.
So, whether you like the way Dr. Ryce talks about the mind as an evidential device, or you like the idea of monitoring the questions you ask yourself in your mind, why not try being more aware during the next few days of the creative power of your thoughts and choose the positive ones!  Like Mike Dooley, (www.tut.com),  always says at the bottom of his emails, “Thoughts become things.  Choose the good ones!  

Mindshifters Blogging, Comments and Confidentiality

I think that for the  most part, the only people who will be reading this blog are members of the Mindshifters group.   I just want to make sure that everyone understands the public nature of a blog and that we are each responsible for the confidentiality of the group.  I will review all comments before posting them, and give people a chance to know if they are being mentioned.   However there is always the possibility that others will stumble onto this blog and  read what is posted and the comments to each post.  So please feel free to identify yourself or just discreetly hide your identity when you post a comment.  

Dr. Tim

Purpose, Personal Power and Committment

Tonight in the Mindshifters Support Group we watched the second half of the video titled, Purpose, Personal Power and Commitment.  In this lecture Dr. Ryce describes how the primary purpose for everyone, as stated in the ancient texts, is to create a viable, conscious, spiritual body.  Toward this end he recommends the age old tool of tithing.  This means giving ten percent of your T.I.M.E., or time, intelligence, money and  energy, to the task of building a viable conscious spiritual body.  This means giving 2.4 hours a day to the things that will keep you in touch with and stimulated by the  spiritual energy that is you and surrounds you.

The secondary purpose is something which is unique to each of us and Dr. Ryce offers the following tool for deciding what your secondary purpose should be.  1) Make a list of things that you are naturally good at doing.  2) Make a list of things you really like doing.  3) Write a short description of how the world will look to you, when it is perfect.  Then create a statement in the following format.  “I now use … ( take 2 or 3 things from list number one), to do… (take 2 or 3 things from list number two), to help the world become… (write out the description you have regarding how the world will look when it is perfect.)  [For more detailed information and to download a free worksheet for this exercise visit www.whyagain.com]
The second half of this two hour video discusses the need for us to focus our energies.  The process which focuses our energies is the setting of goals.  If we are not clear about our purpose, it will not be possible to set goals which  serve our purpose.  Once we are clear about our purpose and we set goals, they work to focus our energies the way a magnifying glass focuses the sunlight so that it can burn a hole through a piece of paper, or start a fire with kindling wood.  There is no limit to the things we can accomplish when we focus our personal power, and  when we are in alignment with the creative energy which surrounds and  runs through us.
The discussion in the group tonight centered around what things prevent each of us from being more focused and more productive.  Each member who looked at this question found some sort of fear or other intense emotion which was at the heart of the “blockage” to being more clear about one’s goals and the focused application of their personal energy.  Several people got feedback on what exercises or worksheets they could do to clarify what is blocking them from being happier, more productive, and more satisfied.  The exercises included the Reality Management Worksheet, and the Mindshifters tool, [both are available free from www.whyagain.com]
My personal take-away from tonight’s meeting was that I want to re-work my secondary purpose yet again.  I want to be more clear about my goals and more specific, so that I can be more productive in areas which bring me more satisfaction and joy, while helping to make the world a better place.  I have realized over the past few months that I have been more scattered in my energies than I would like.  I have been “juggling too many balls”, and I am feeling less productive and more “sluggish” than I would like.  While trying to do too many things, and be too much to too many people, I am feeling less happy, more stressed and less productive.
I want to follow Joseph Campbell’s advice to his students, “Follow your Bliss!”. 
I invite those from the Mindshifters group to post their comments on what was most striking about the video this week and their “take-away” from the discussion, whether it was work they were doing directly, or what they learned about themselves while listening to someone else.
Dr. Tim