A Recording Is Available of the Talk From Thursday’s Mindshifter Group 11-1-2018

Dear Friends,

We have launched our Thursday Mindshifter Group into a new incarnation, in which it is accessible through Zoom web conferencing.  The information about that is available on my website at https://ch4cs.com/mindshifter-support-groups 

The recording of our second group meeting has now been edited to remove the personal processing of some of the members.  What is left is my talking about various topics and responses to questions from group participants.

The topics included “Who are we really?”, are we a label, an identity, or “Awareness itself”?.  We talked about Michael Singer’s work and how it is important for us to recognize the perfect safety of each moment, and how the moment has nothing to do with who and what we truly are.
EFT tapping was discussed, along with Faster EFT tapping.

Regulatory Speech was another topic, since it came up in someone’s statement, and it is such an important part of the tools that Dr. Michael Ryce teaches.  I discussed how it can be used to program my mind in either a positive or negative way, and it can be used reveal to me the hidden contents of my mind.

We also talked about Craig Hamilton’s research about how there is a hidden part in each of us that likes change, and knows that change is the only way for us to grow.  This part needs three things for it to be developed and strengthened in us.  Awareness of its existence; willingness to strengthen it; and Community – it does not show itself in isolation.

The recording is available here:

Please feel free to join us next Thursday and share this information with anyone you feel may benefit.

We Come From Love.  We Are Made Of Love. We Are Love.  Everything else is false.

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