A New Class at Relax4Life in Barrington, IL

Dear Friends,

As many of you know, I have been teaching an all-day class on EFT tapping at Relax 4 Life in Barrington, IL, two or three times a year for over ten years now.  The last class there was March 3, 2018, after which Neal Harris asked if I would like to teach something else at his center.  He suggested that I teach something from Dr. Michael Ryce’s body of work, (probably because he noticed that I can’t stop myself from talking about how this work has dramatically improved my life).

The result was, that after some discussion, I have agreed to teach the following class on June 2, 2018 at Relax 4 Life – “Changing Your Current Reality”.  In this class I will teach The Reality Management Worksheet, and the Mind/Goal Management Worksheet from Dr. Michael Ryce.  These two tools and the knowledge about how my mind creates stress with the goals I set, have changed my life for the better in ways that go beyond words!

Please forward this information to anyone you know who may be interested.  Please also note that for the first time that I am aware of, continuing education credits will be available for the learning of these powerful tools!  So, if you know someone who needs CEU’s for their license or registration in their profession, have them check with Neal at Relax4life.com and see if he will offer the CEU’s they need.



We Come From Love.  We Are Made Of Love.  We Are Love.  Everything else is False.


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